Dee Nickerson

Dee Nickerson - Eight NEW works coming to LIttle London Art Fair 15th-19th May. These will be available to purchase at the Private View on 15th and via the phone from 11.30am on 16th May.

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Dee Nickerson

Dee Nickerson has become a household name in recent times and we are proud to be able to represent her .

WANTED - We are always looking to purchase work by this artist so do please contact if you have a work you are looking to sell for any reason.

Her exhibitions often sell out quickly so if you are interested in her work do please contact us to express an interest. We have been delighted , but not surprised, that her beautiful paintings were loved by the London collectors and sold out at Connect Art Fair in 2020, 2022 and 2023. Do get in touch if you require more details and we will add you to our mailing list and make sure you get a complementary invitations to future exhibitions and fairs.

We have been great fans of her work for a long time and are happy to say that we hold a number in our personal collection which are very dear to us and have become like an extended family. Actually, everyone who visits our home asks about Dee’s paintings and shares our love of her work. They often depict everyday events and feature horses, birds and dogs but they always have a figurative element and her portraiture is quite sublime. The work is beautifully themed and her previous exhibitions have often focused upon the seasons. Be it winter, spring, summer or autumn she has a wonderful knack of capturing the feeling of the moment and each of her subjects often appear in deep thought and one wonders what they are thinking.
I picked up a card of Dee’s today and about herself she said the following:

“Born 1957. Great Yarmouth College of art and design 1982-84. Growing up in rural Norfolk, far away from the madding crowd, I soon learned to use my imagination to entertain myself. Making and drawing have always been part of routine, along with wanderings about, and making time to stand and stare. Exhibiting from various galleries in East Anglia I paint from observation, memory and imagination.”

Dee Nickerson worked for the Norwich branch of Liberty retail for 10 years from 1987 where she was able to develop her love of design and her paintings have a strong design quality with the women often dressed in the most amazing fabrics.
Dee has an huge following in East Anglia and with the advent of Instagram is now becoming a name well known throughout the UK and the rest of the world.