Fred Cuming 1930-2022

FRed cuming RA

WANTED ……. we are currently looking to acquire work by this artist so do contact us if you have one to sell.

Fred Cuming is arguably the finest landscape painter of our generation, whose love of  flora and fauna, and the lyrical response it inspires , results in the most evocative and wonderful art . He uses a palette of earth colours such as ochre, sienna, umber, light red and indian red to which he adds ultramarine blue, cobalt , various yellows and greens to give a characteristic  soft and warm feel to his paintings.
Fred Cuming was Londoner by birth. Having been born in 1930 in South London he went on to study at Sidcup School of Art before attending the Royal College between 1952-55. He was most recently honoured with a Hon D Litt degree from the University of Kent in Canterbury in 2012. Cuming and his wife lived for many years in Kent and then in East Sussex near Rye where the landscape has inspired many shoreline seascapes. He was one of the youngest painters to ever be elected to the Royal Academy and the subject of many one man shows which includes a solo show at the R.A. in 2003. He has been described as belonging to the great tradition of English Romantic landscape painters after Turner and Constable. He has over time developed a delicate and descriptive technique that recalibrate images through the use of colour with an almost dreamlike quality.
The work of Fred Cuming is sought after by both private collectors and public and his work is regularly found in the R.A. summer exhibitions.